I saw the other day, an atheist say that if they were God, there would be no starvation in the world.  What a laugh!  Mankind chose Satan in the Garden of Eden, and now they complain that they don't like the results.  You go to bed with dogs and you wake up with fleas. For man to lay to God's account the woes and evils of this world is laughable. Man and Satan are still working on their wonderful experiment together. We can't lay war, starvation, and all the lamentable evils of this world to God. His Kingdom is not here yet.

It says in the Old Testament, that when the Kingdom of God comes, men will not practice war anymore, they will turn their weapons into plowshares. Christ said if His Kingdom was of this world, His servants would fight.  "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven."  The Kingdom of God will come to this earth and in time, His will will be done on this earth, but not now.  This is Satan's realm now.  Every evil under the sun goes on Satan's account, Satan and man's joint effort, is so wretched that you would vomit if you knew all of it.

Things done under Satan's form of religion seem so good, but some of that religion was deadly to the firstborn children. This is one reason God said that the firstborn belonged to Him. Parents were taking their firstborn children at the time of the Winter Solstice (Dec 25) and sacrificing them in a grove of evergreen trees TO THE SUN.  The priest that sacrificed them were Baal worshippers (sun worship) and the term everyone knows, cannibal, literally means Cohen of Bal or "Priest of Baal." Those evil sun (Satan) worshippers were cannibals, they not only did they practice human sacrifice, which was bad enough, but they partook of it too.  People say, well that was then, today people wouldn't do such things, well, Satan worship is still around.  And, a Hollywood star recently "joked" we can eat a whole baby at the holidays.  To be honest, even if it was just a joke, would you laugh at such a joke?  It's not funny at all, it's sick. Part of Satan's religion is the terrible abuse of children, sickening.  And then to think people would lay any of this at God's feet.


Psalms 37 says that someday you will look for the evil people and you won't be able to find them.  Will they be in Hell, no the pagan concept of an ever burning hell is not in the Bible, in the book of Peter, we see that the earth will someday burn up with fervent heat and everything physical will be burned up. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego walking in the fire unharmed was a type of that. The evil people were burned up by that fire, and so it shall be again. Evil people will be burned up, you burn the refuse, you burn the chaff and the wheat is KEPT, stored in the barn.


The Bible says that the old things, the starvation, crimes, disease, war and every evil will not come to mind or even be remembered in this new permanent Kingdom of God, and the meek (those that submit to God and His system of Laws) will inherit the earth!  They won't go to heaven, if you look in Revelation, it says that God's throne will come down to earth, and God will dwell with men.  God the Father will actually come and live on earth once all men are made into spirit beings.

Men won't go to heaven, God is coming down to earth to live with us!  Just read Revelation 21, it is amazing.  But for those people who live in God's permanent Kingdom, there will be no more tears, no more crying for the former things are passed away, they won't come to mind or even be remembered in that future world, and at that time, you will look for the evil people, and you won't find them, because the meek will inherit the earth.  Those that are evil now, only get a temporary situation, the faithful and obedient ones will live in the land forever.