The main types of Hebrew fool were: kesil (...stupid and over

confident), an unintelligent person frequently involved in quarrels.


*EWIL A morally blind individual, but more intelligent than kesil.


*PETHI  Simpleton, perhaps with intellectual disability, who cannot plan for

 the future.


*HASAR-LEB (literally, empty-hearted), also of poor intelligence, who neglects

 himself and his property.


*BA-AR, a crude individual.


*NABAL, a brutal, cruel and depraved man, the word nabal also means wine skin

 suggesting a link with alcoholism.


*HOLEL, an irrational madman.


*LES, also translated as a scoffer, was a contemptuous narcissistic individual.

  (They cannot be corrected, they will take no correction at all, and they will abuse

  you verbally, and  shame you with a strong personal attack if you get in their

  face.)  This is the type of fool who you can beat their back with a 1000 strokes 

  and it will not affect them at all.


*BELIAL, (a scoundrel) an aggressive psychopath.


*ESSA ZARAH, the strange woman or loose woman, a loud, rebellious person,

 constantly on the go, has numerous affairs and shows both borderline and

 histrionic features.

From article by George Stein, quoted from the British Journal of Psychiatry