The other day, I was listening to the radio and a man came on who had just become a "Christian."  He was telling how happy he was, the only thing is that he cried the whole time. 
The question is, does God want you to cry all the time in connection with worship of Him?  Does God want you to flagellate yourself with a whip, real or emotional?  Does God want you to worship Him with constant tears and strong emotions?  No.  Why do people do that?  Because most religions confuse emotionality with spirituality.  They perceive it as a sign of repentance.  But constant sadness is simply an emotion or maybe even a serotonin deficiency, it is not a spiritual state, nor does it change anything. 
Esau sought repentance by emotion and tears...he cried and cried and cried...but it didn't cut any slack with God.  Simply because crying does not equal repentance.  Esau sought repentance but couldn't find it.  He was looking in the wrong place.  Had he quit crying and started trying to find out what God wanted him to do, he would have been in a much better place.
Somehow in this world of religion, we are taught that God wants us to suffer, and to cry, and to be punished by roasting in hell from eon to eon.  Religion of this world tries to apply the mind and attributes of Satan to God!  Satan is really the one who wants us to cry and suffer and burn, but not God.  If your religion involves a lot of crying, you have missed the boat somewhere.
There is actually a mental disease called scrupulosity.  It involves mentally beating yourself up all the time.  It could be genetic, it could be because a person was shamed a lot as a kid, it could be a reaction to additives in our foods, it could be ocd.  Those with scrupulocity live in a state of constant shame and guilt for anything and everything.  In fact, it is fostered by religions that demand tears and guilt and shame for simple things that are not sins...  (Playing cards, music, dancing, etc... etc...)  If you feel ashamed all the time, if you feel like beating yourself up, if you feel guilty for the smallest thing, then you may have what is called "scrupulosity."
It is not spirituality... it is a wrong state of mind that has been foisted on a lot of people, mainly by religions, who might even "unscrupulously" use it to make lots of money, which is what most religions are about these days.  We don't do that, we don't want your money, we don't even collect emails or contact information. The truth is not for sale. 
It also shows a lack of faith in God.  Yes, you are going to mess up, but God doesn't want you flagellating yourself with a mental or physical whip.  It is just like a baby learning to walk.  When you fall down, you don't sit there and cry and cry, you get up and you try again.  God's Spirit is a positive, gentle, loving, forgiving spirit. Because of our dna we get from Adam and Eve, we can never be humanly "good" or humanly perfect. 
Even Christ said He wasn't good. When the young rich man called Him good master, He said no man is good. Christ was human but with an unlimited amount of God's Spirit in Him.  He had Adam and Eve dna too, and he was tempted in all things like as we are, but without sin.  He didn't act on those thoughts that popped in His head just like they do with us too. He was tempted to sin, but He didn't do it. 
Which tells you that everything that pops in your head should not be paid attention to.  People who believe everything their minds tell them are being foolish, a lot of it is just the brains auto pilot sin mode.  We have to just say nope, not going there.  We have the choice to do what we want to do. What does God want from us anyway?
That even if we mess up, we should continue and try to do what is right.  He knows we will fall down, God wants us to keep trying to do better, and to be better.  The law doesn't not save us, but it is our school master on how to do better.  God is our dad, and he does not condemn us.  Have mercy on yourself, have mercy on others. We are all in the same boat. Our Dad (and brother Jesus) want us to learn to walk spiritually, and crying will not get us there.  Realize that if you are crying a lot, it may be a physical thing. 
The Church of God
The Churches of God