This seeming harmless sin can keep you out of the Kingdom of God


This sin that can sneak up on you.

Seemingly, you are doing pretty good, keeping the Sabbath, Holy Days

food laws, trying to do good deeds...and even with all of

that, there is a hidden sin that could literally obliterate your chance to

be in God's Kingdom.


We are probably to the man, guilty of this particular sin to one degree or another, especially in

this sometimes snarky generation, and this sin I'm going to tell you about is like spiritual radon

gas, unseen, and extremely deadly, so much so, that if you don't get it out of your spiritual

tabernacle or house, it could kill you.  What am I talking about?


The Reviler

I Corinthians 6:10

"...Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers,

nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God."


We have become a nation of revilers, where it is trendy to be verbally abusive, snarky, a gifted

scolders, railing (venting?) on others.  I've never seen it so bad as it is now in society.  These are

indeed perilous times.


Reviling might seems pretty harmless, but it is listed with the sins that will keep

us out of the Kingdom of God.  The word reviler is from Strongs G3060, it is not the same

word as slanderer, which would be someone who works you over behind your back.  A railer or

reviler will work you over to your face.


To be honest, this is scary, because, we all take being contentious so lightly.  It is popular to take

someone down a peg or two.  We take others to task, almost as if we are doing them a favor and

which of us have not set plenty of people straight, but we better watch it,

because God lists reviling with the most dangerous deadly spiritual things in the world. 


A reviler uses verbal abuse,  and won't be in the Kingdom of God, it is that dangerous.


Converted people appear before the judge's seat right now to answer for

sins.  "Judgment now is on the House of God."  If there is a problem that needs to

be dealt with, how should we do it then?  "With meekness instruct those who oppose themselves,

per adventure God grants them repentance."   I think sometimes we prefer the rough approach in

how we deal with others. Glad God does not treat us like we treat others.  I am thankful that our

judge God is not a reviler towards us, and is gentle with us.


I don't condemn anyone else, because I have my own sins to work on, I won't have to

answer for anyone else, which is good, because I have enough of my own problems.  With all we

have learned and tried to accomplish, we don't want our spiritual house to be condemned because

we didn't pay attention to deadly spiritual radon gas seeping into  our tabernacle.


I'm glad my trial is not yet over with God, and while I still have a chance, while I

still have time, I will immediately work on this.  These are perilous times.

We have a whole society of revilers, I laugh, but there are even cooking shows with a panel of

judges and they sadistically rip someone to shreds if their celery is limp. 

This is a hateful society now.  Politically, right and left, we are a nation of gifted revilers.

If you want to know what reviling is, just watch the news.